Tablespoons to Teaspoons Converter
Take away the confusion with our simple to use calculator that allows you to accurately convert between tablespoons and teaspoons when looking at a recipe from anywhere in the world. You often see different recipes use different measurements depending on where the recipe author is from. Converting tablespoons to teaspoons is one of the simplest conversions to do when looking at calculators of this kind, but they provide a quick, accurate answer when baking or cooking.
*Disclaimer – Every effort has been made in the design and build of our converter tools to be as fair and accurate as possible. We are not to be held responsible or liable for any monetary losses or damages linked to the use of our tool.
How to convert teaspoons into tablespoons
There is a simple concept to follow when looking at converting a teaspoon into a tablespoon. There are 3 teaspoons in one tablespoon. This conversion of 3:1 as a ratio can be scaled depending on the number of teaspoons and tablespoons you have to convert:
Tablespoons | Teaspoons |
1 ½ tablespoons | 4 ½ teaspoons |
½ tablespoon | 1 ½ teaspoons |
¼ tablespoon | ¾ teaspoon |
¾ tablespoon | 2 ¼ teaspoons |
To convert tablespoons into teaspoons, all you need to do is multiply the tablespoon figure by 3.
What about Australian teaspoons?
You will find that there is an exception to this 3:1 ratio to convert teaspoons into tablespoons, and that is with the Australian metric tablespoon. This has a volume of 20mL, which equals 5mL or 4 Australian metric teaspoons.
Examples of tablespoons to teaspoons conversions
Some examples of converting tablespoons to teaspoons, should you for example, require a conversion of granulated sugar, flour, or any other type of ingredient:
Tablespoons | Teaspoons |
½ tablespoon | 1 ½ teaspoons |
1 tablespoon | 3 teaspoons |
3 tablespoons | 9 teaspoons |
5 tablespoons | 15 teaspoons |
Examples of teaspoons to tablespoons conversions
Some examples of converting teaspoons to tablespoons, should you for example, require a conversion of granulated sugar, flour, or any other type of ingredient:
Source | Explanation |
1 teaspoon | 0.33 tablespoon |
5 teaspoons | 1.67 tablespoons |
10 teaspoons | 3.33 tablespoons |
20 teaspoons | 6.67 tablespoons |
Are there different sizes of teaspoons and tablespoons?
You do see both teaspoons and tablespoons regularly used in recipes from all over the world. Despite this, there isn’t one universal volume for a teaspoon and tablespoon. Instead, the mL does vary between different countries. The US uses an imperial unit system, whilst in many other countries the metric system is used. There is also an old imperial measurement that was used as standard in the UK until a few decades ago, so this is sometimes seen in old recipe books, to add to the confusion.
The difference in volume is quite minimal in reality, but it is important for you to be accurate, and this is why our calculator offers the different size teaspoons and tablespoons as an option in the drop down menu. To provide you with an example:
System | Tablespoon | Teaspoon |
US | 14.79mL Tablespoon | 4.9289mL Teaspoon |
Metric | 15mL Tablespoon | 3mL Teaspoon |
UK Imperial | 17.76mL Tablespoon | 5.92mL Teaspoon |
Australian | 20mL Tablespoon | 5mL Teaspoon |
Other cooking measurements
If you like our tablespoons to teaspoons calculator, we have a range of other tools to help you. Whether you need to convert tablespoons to grams, cups to sticks of butter, check the correct oven temperature for your location and oven type, or a wide range of other conversions, we are here to help.