Kilometers and Miles Converter


Whether you’re planning a trip, measuring the distance of your daily run, or simply converting distances for a school project, a kilometers and miles converter is an invaluable tool. This handy calculator website offers a user-friendly way to convert distances between two of the most common units of measurement – kilometers (km) and miles (mi). In this article, we will explain the formulas used to convert between these units, and provide a worked example to help you better understand the conversion process.


Before delving into the formulas, it is important to understand that the kilometer is a metric unit of length, while the mile is an imperial unit. One kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters, and one mile is equal to 1,609.344 meters.

To convert kilometers to miles, you can use the following formula:

miles \\= kilometers * conversion ~factor

The conversion factor for kilometers to miles is approximately 0.621371, which means that one kilometer is equal to roughly 0.621371 miles. Therefore, to convert a distance in kilometers to miles, simply multiply the number of kilometers by 0.621371.

Conversely, to convert miles to kilometers, you can use this formula:

kilometers \\= miles * conversion ~factor

The conversion factor for miles to kilometers is approximately 1.60934, which means that one mile is equal to roughly 1.60934 kilometers. To convert a distance in miles to kilometers, simply multiply the number of miles by 1.60934.

Worked Example Calculation

Let’s say you’re planning a road trip and you need to convert the distance between two cities from kilometers to miles. The distance between the cities is 450 kilometers. To convert this distance to miles, you would use the formula for converting kilometers to miles:

miles \\= kilometers * conversion ~factor

Plugging the values into the formula, you get:

miles = 450 km * 0.621371
miles ≈ 279.61795

So, the distance between the two cities is approximately 279.62 miles.

Now let’s reverse the calculation and convert the distance back to kilometers. To do this, you would use the formula for converting miles to kilometers:

kilometers = miles * conversion factor

Plugging the values into the formula, you get:

kilometers = 279.62 ~mi * 1.60934
kilometers ≈ 449.99988

As expected, the distance between the two cities is approximately 450 kilometers.


Using a kilometers and miles converter is a simple and effective way to convert distances between these two common units of measurement. By understanding the formulas and conversion factors, you can easily perform these calculations yourself or use our handy calculator website to do the work for you. This tool is especially useful for travelers, athletes, and students who need to convert distances for various purposes. So, the next time you need to convert kilometers to miles or vice versa, remember to use our user-friendly kilometers and miles converter to get the job done quickly and accurately.