Pints to Cups Converter
Use this simple calculator tool to help you convert from pints to cups, whether you are looking at converting from US cups to a UK pint or a US pint measurement. It can be daunting sometimes to see recipes guidance in measurements that you are not used to. With our assistance you can convert to a measurement that you are used to, such as converting pints to cups for a baking recipe you are following.
*Disclaimer – Every effort has been made in the design and build of our converter tools to be as fair and accurate as possible. We are not to be held responsible or liable for any monetary losses or damages linked to the use of our tool.
When would you need to convert from pints to cups?
There are a few different reasons why you might need to convert pints into cups. In cooking and baking there are many different recipe books from all over the world. Each will follow measurement units and ingredients from the country they are from, and if you are looking at a recipe in a different part of the world, with different measurements as standard, you’ll need to convert.
What is a cup?
A cup is a unit of volume, though you will find that there are different sized cups depending on the country you are in. For instance, a US cup is different in size to a UK cup. A US cup is a standard measurement in most recipe books you find in the US. It is a unit of volume that is equal to around 8 fluid ounces or 16 tablespoons. One cup is labelled at 240mL, although to be accurate it is 236.6mL.
What is a pint?
A pint is a unit of volume measurement. One fluid pint is equal to 2 cups or 16 fluid ounces. It is 473mL. When you need to convert a recipe to a metric value it is usual that you round a pint to 500mL. There are some instances in the US of ingredients that are sold in a dry pint volume, such as blueberries, but generally this is not the case. An Imperial pint is 20% larger than the US pint, coming in at 568mL, and 20 imperial fluid ounces.
How many cups are there in a pint?
There is a simple formula to follow when you are converting pint measurements to cups from the same country. For instance:
- 1 pint (US) = 2 cups (US)
- 1 pint (UK) = 2 cups (UK)
Converting pints to cups
We have put together an easy to use tool to help you convert pints to cups and vice versa, for both US and UK measurements.
What do I need to know about pint and cup measurements?
It isn’t as straightforward as converting pints to cups because there are different measurements of pints and cups around the world. There is the US pint and the UK pint (Imperial pint). In the US a pint measures at 473.18mL, whilst in the UK a pint measure is 568.26mL. There are also different sizes of cups, with a US cup measuring 236.59mL and a UK imperial cup measuring 284.131mL. The metric cup, used in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other Commonwealth countries, measures 250mL.
What about other measurement conversions?
We have a range of calculators and tools that allow you to convert different cooking units and measurements. Whether that is tablespoons, teaspoons, fluid ounces, grams, pounds, liters, and more.