Ounces and Troy Ounces Converter


Weight measurements are an essential part of our daily lives, be it for cooking, trading precious metals, or measuring chemicals in a laboratory. Two common units of weight, ounces and troy ounces, are often used interchangeably. However, it is important to understand the differences between the two and how to convert between them accurately. In this article, we will explore ounces and troy ounces, the formulas for converting between them, and a worked example calculation using our Ounces and Troy Ounces Converter.

Ounces and Troy Ounces: The Basics

An ounce, abbreviated as “oz,” is a unit of weight in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. It is commonly used in everyday life for weighing food items, postal packages, and more. One ounce is equal to 1/16 of a pound, or approximately 28.35 grams.

On the other hand, a troy ounce, abbreviated as “oz t” or “t oz,” is a unit of weight used specifically for measuring precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum. The troy ounce is part of the troy weight system, which originated in medieval times and was used for weighing precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce is equal to 1/12 of a troy pound or approximately 31.10 grams.

Though the two units share a similar name, it is important not to confuse them, as they represent different weights. Using the incorrect unit can lead to significant errors when weighing valuable items like gold or silver.

Formulas for Converting Between Ounces and Troy Ounces

To convert between ounces and troy ounces, we can use the following formulas:

1. To convert ounces to troy ounces:

troy ~ounces \\= ounces * (1 ~troy ~ounce ~/~ 1 ~ounce)

Since 1 Ounce = 0.911458 Troy Ounces, the formula can be simplified to:

troy ~ounces = ounces * 0.911458

2. To convert troy ounces to ounces:

ounces \\= troy ~ounces * (1 ~ounce ~/~ 1 ~troy ~ounce)

Since 1 Troy Ounce = 1.09714 Ounces, the formula can be simplified to:

ounces = troy ~ounces * 1.09714

Worked Example Calculation

To better understand the conversion process between ounces and troy ounces, let’s work through an example calculation using our Ounces and Troy Ounces Converter.

Suppose we have a gold bar that weighs 16 ounces, and we want to know its weight in troy ounces. Using the formula from above, we can calculate the weight in troy ounces as follows:

troy ~ounces = ounces * 0.911458
troy ~ounces = 16 ~oz * 0.911458
troy ~ounces ≈ 14.5833 ~t ~oz

So, our 16-ounce gold bar weighs approximately 14.5833 troy ounces.

Now, let’s convert the weight back to ounces to confirm our calculations. Using the second formula from above, we can calculate the weight in ounces as follows:

ounces = troy ~ounces * 1.09714
ounces = 14.5833 ~t ~oz * 1.09714
ounces ≈ 16 ~oz

As we can see, our calculations are consistent, and the weight of the gold bar in ounces is the same as our original value.


Understanding the differences between ounces and troy ounces is crucial for accurately weighing precious metals and other valuable items. Our Ounces and Troy Ounces Converter makes it easy to convert between these two units of weight. By using the formulas and worked example provided in this article, you can confidently convert between ounces and troy ounces without making costly mistakes.