Kilograms to Stones and Pounds Converter


This converter allows you to convert a value in kilograms into stones and pounds. Simply input your value as a decimal number, choose the number of decimal places you want your result rounded toward, and click on CONVERT.

Your result will come in three different forms:

  • Whole stones, whole pounds, and ounces as a decimal number rounded to your requested number of decimal places.
  • Stones and pounds as a decimal number rounded to your requested number of decimal places.
  • Stones as a decimal number rounded to your requested number of decimal places.

You can copy a result in your preferred form by clicking the COPY icon next to the result.

Additionally, the converter also offers the option to look up a conversion chart, which has a hyperlink at the bottom of the converter.

The chart offers conversions of values in kilograms ranging between 40 and 100, with 1 kg intervals. Each value is converted into stones, stones with pounds, and pounds only.

Converting Between Kilograms, Stones, and Pounds Manually

The rate between kilograms, stones, and pounds is the key to figuring out the formulae that can help us solve tasks involving their conversion manually.

The relationships between them are as follows:

Unit 1Quantity 1Unit 2Quantity 2

These relationships lead to the following formulae:

stone = kg * 0.1575
pound = kg * 2.2046
kg = stone * 6.35
kg = pound * 0.4536
pound = stone * 14
stone = pound * 0.071

The formulae are chosen by the subject, which should be the value you are trying to find out. So, for example, if the problem calls for finding POUNDS and gives you KG, the second formula would be suitable.

Below are 6 short examples of using each formula in practice.

EXAMPLE 1: Convert 7 kg into stones.

stone = kg * 0.1575 \\= 7 * 0.1575 \\= 1.1025 stone

EXAMPLE 2: Convert 10.5 kg into pounds.

pound = kg * 2.2046 \\= 10.5 * 2.2046 \\= 23.1483 lb

EXAMPLE 3: Convert 4 stones into kg.

kg = stone * 6.35 \\= 4 * 6.35 = 25.4 kg

EXAMPLE 4: Convert 52 pounds into kg.

kg = pound * 0.4536 \\= 52 * 0.4536 = 23.5872 kg

EXAMPLE 5: Convert 2.2 stones into pounds.

pound = stone * 14 = 2.2 * 14 \\= 30.8 pounds

EXAMPLE 6: Convert 7 pounds into stones.

stone = pound * 0.071 \\= 7 * 0.071 = 0.497 stones

Converting Kilograms to Stones and Pounds Manually

An additional task is the conversion of kilograms into stones and pounds. Here one unit needs to be converted into 2 units simultaneously.

Since one stone is larger than one pound, the preferred method would be to follow these steps:

  1. Convert kilograms into pounds.
  2. Divide the number of pounds by 14 with a remainder.
  3. The whole part equals the number of stones, while the remainder equals the number of pounds.

EXAMPLE: Convert 17 kg into stones and pounds.

  1. POUNDS = KG x 2.2046 = 17 x 2.2046 = 37.4782 pounds
  2. 37.4782 14 = 2 with a remainder of 9.4782
  3. The result is 2 stones and 9.4782 pounds.

What is a Stone?

A stone is a traditional unit of weight that is popular in the United Kingdom. Its origin is in Scotland and to this day it is a customary unit when referring to people’s weight. The stone unit has had a large variety of definitions around the UK in the past, ranging from anywhere between 5 to 50 pounds.

The consensus of the stone being equal to 14 pounds was a lengthy process. For a long time, a very complex system for the stone existed, where the number of pounds in a stone was defined by the material that was being weighed.

For example, a stone of wool was 14, 15, or even 24 pounds, depending on the region and time. A stone of spices or sugar was only 8 pounds, while a stone of wax was 12 pounds. It is possible that the definition changed depending on the value of the material to create the illusion of “getting more with less”.

Common Stone References

In order to gain a perception of the stone as a unit, the table below shows 5 average weights of familiar concepts, in stones, pounds, and kg.

Average human1115770
Average horse66.1926420
Average cat0.7104.5
A liter of water0.162.21
A gallon of gasoline0.4362.7
