Kilograms to Pounds and Ounces Converter


Using The Kilograms to Pounds and Ounces Converter

This converter allows you to find the equivalent values of the metric unit of kilograms, expressed in the imperial unit of pounds and ounces or vice versa.

You can choose between the input units of kilograms or pounds with ounces.

Users have a choice between inputting the values as decimal numbers, or they can use the predefined fractions offered by the calculator.

The final option is the choice of the number of decimal places we want our conversion result to be rounded towards.

The result appears below the calculator, after clicking on the CONVERT icon. The result will come in all the offered units, hence kilograms, pounds, ounces, and their combinations, all rounded to the desired number of decimal places.

Converting Kilograms to Pounds and Ounces Manually

The conversion rates between the units are the key to successfully determining the formulae for converting between the units.

The following rates apply (keep in mind, that all values are rounded to 3 decimal places).

Unit 1Amount 1Unit 2Amount 2

Based on these conversion rates, we can design 2 formulae, which will allow us to convert from imperial to metric units or the other way around.

For further reference, we will be using KG for kilograms, LB for pounds, and OZ for ounces.

kg = lb*0.454 + oz*0.028
oz = kg*35.274

We have to keep in mind, that if we want the second formula to yield a result in pounds and ounces, instead of ounces alone, then we have to divide the result by 16 with a remainder. This way, the whole part of the result will be equal to the number of pounds, while the remainder is equal to the number of ounces.

Worked-out Examples

We will demonstrate the practical usage of both formulae below. Throughout the examples, we will consistently be rounding all decimal values to 3 decimal places.


We want to convert 14.6 kilograms into pounds and ounces.

We start by applying the second formula, which will help us yield the equivalent number of ounces.

oz = kg*35.274 \\= 14.6*35.274 = 515 

Now we know, that 14.6 kilograms are equivalent to 515 ounces.

We will now divide 515 by 16 with a remainder, in order to receive the number of pounds and ounces.

515÷16 = 32 with a remainder of 3.

We can now interpret the result as 14.6 kilograms being equivalent to 32 pounds and 3 ounces.


We want to convert 4 pounds and 3 ounces into kilograms.

We plug in the number of pounds and the number of ounces into the first formula.

kg = lb*0.454 + oz*0.028 \\= 4*0.454+3*0.028 \\= 1.816 + 0.084 = 1.9

Now, we can interpret the result as 4 pounds and 3 ounces being equivalent to 1.9 kilograms.