Grams to Pounds and Ounces Converter


Using the Grams to Pounds and Ounces Converter

This converter allows you to find the equivalent values of the metric unit of grams, expressed in the imperial unit of pounds.

Simply choose whether you want to input your metric or imperial values at the top of the converter. If you chose grams, input the value as a decimal number. In case you chose pounds and ounces, input your value either as a decimal number of pounds or as a whole number of pounds and a decimal number of ounces.

Choose the number of decimal places you want your result rounded toward and click on CONVERT.

In case your input value was in pounds and ounces, your result will be in the decimal form of grams. If you input grams, your result will come in three different forms:

  • Whole pounds and decimal ounces
  • Pounds as a decimal number
  • Ounces as a decimal number

Feel free to click on COPY next to any value you want to insert into another piece of writing.

Converting Grams to Pounds and Ounces Manually

To determine the conversion rate between grams and pounds, we must first assess how many grams are in a pound.

One pound is equal to about 453.6 grams when rounded to one decimal place. Additionally, one pound consists of 16 ounces, hence 1 ounce equals about 28.3 grams when rounded to one decimal place. We can also use these rates to express the opposite values, as 1 gram is equal to 0.0022 pounds, or 0.035 ounces.

This creates the following set of formulae:

grams = pounds * 453.6
pounds = grams * 0.0022
grams = ounces * 28.3
ounces = grams * 0.035

To calculate these conversions manually, simply substitute the input value and count the missing value. Below are 4 quick examples that show how each formula is used in practice.

EXAMPLE 1: Convert 3.5 pounds into grams.

We use the first formula and substitute it as follows:

grams = pounds * 453.6 \\= 3.5 * 453.6 \\= 1,587.6 ~grams.

EXAMPLE 2: Convert 5,500 grams into pounds.

We use the second formula and substitute it as follows:

pounds = grams * 0.0022 \\= 5,500 * 0.0022 \\= 12.1 ~pounds.

EXAMPLE 3:Convert 17 ounces into grams.

We use the third formula and substitute it as follows:

grams = ounces * 28.3 \\= 17 * 28.3 \\= 481.1 ~grams.

EXAMPLE 4: Convert 220 grams into ounces.

We use the fourth formula and substitute it as follows:

ounces = grams * 0.035 \\= 220 * 0.035 \\= 7.7 ~ounces.

What is a Gram?

The gram is a basic unit of mass in the metric system. The definition of a gram is connected with the natural world, by defining some specific rates to other units of measurement. Let’s have a look at how the definition of a gram was created:

  1. In the year 1793, the meter was defined as one ten-millionth of the distance between the Equator to the North pole along the Great circle.
  2. A decimeter was defined as a tenth of a meter.
  3. A cube with side lengths of 1 decimeter has a volume of 1,000 cm3 or 1 dm3.
  4. The volume of 1,000 cm3 or 1 dm3 is equal to 1 liter, where the definition comes from.
  5. If we weigh 1 liter of pure water, it defines the weight of 1 kg.
  6. A kilogram is defined as 1,000 grams (the Latin prefix ‘kilo’ means a thousand of something), hence a gram is defined as any of the following:
    • A thousandth of a kilogram.
    • The weight of 1 cm3 of pure water.
    • The weight of 1 ml of pure water.

Everyday Objects in Grams

For the sake of approximation, we will show the average mass of some objects in grams.

Ripe apple200 g
A 300-page book475 g
A laptop2,550 g
A cat4,500 g
A toothpick0.13 g
A pencil16 g