Grams and Ounces Converter


Use our simple converter to take grams and turn them into ounces. For a cooking conversion tool there are few better ways to get the accurate measurements you need to make a recipe as perfect as it looks on the page!

Converting grams to ounces

As well as our simple converter we also have a gram to ounces conversion tool which you can use for reference to assist you with your recipe preparation.

*Disclaimer – we have made every effort to design and build this converter tool for your ease of use. We are not to be held liable for any damage or monetary loss that arises from your use of the converter tool.

What is the difference between grams and ounces?

You might be wondering what the key difference is between grams and ounces? You have ended up searching for, and finding, our simple and efficient grams and ounces converter after all. Put simply, grams and ounces are just two different ways in which you can measure the weight of something. A gram is a short-scale measurement, whilst ounces are longer. 

What does an ounce mean in cooking?

It can sometimes be quite confusing to see a recipe with one type of measurement, but you need it in another to be as accurate as possible. Precision and accuracy are everything in baking and cooking. There are times where you can’t just rely on instinct and put in as much or as little of an ingredient on a whim, as you see fit. If you’re looking at an ounce and wondering how to convert it into a gram, or vice versa, do not worry. An ounce is a standard measurement in US recipe books, a measurement for the weight of dry ingredients. The packages for each ingredient will show you an abbreviation of an ounce displayed as ‘oz.’. One ounce would be the same as the weight of a standard slice of bread.

What does a gram mean in cooking?

The abbreviation for a gram is ‘g.’. It is a metric cooking measurement that is a unit of weight or mass. If you consider the weight of a tiny paper clip, a single gram is of a similar weight.

How many ounces are there in a gram?

When you use our converter tool you can quickly see exactly how many ounces there are in a gram. 1 gram (g) is equal to 0.0352739619 ounces. In order to convert grams to ounces all you need to do is multiply your gram figure by 0.0352739619 or divide it by 28.349523.

What is the difference between Troy ounces and Avoirdupois ounces?

There might be even greater confusion when you see that there are troy ounces and avoirdupois ounces. The avoirdupois ounce is the one most commonly used when weighing people and produce. The troy ounce is used to the precise measurement of precious metals and gemstones. If you see the ounce weight of gold for instance, it will be a troy ounce measurement. It is important to know the difference between these two types of ounces when searching for an accurate conversion.

What about other cooking conversion units?

Alongside this gram and ounces convertor we also have a few other calculators and converter tools to help you across a wide array of ingredients and measurements. If you want to convert grams to cups, cups to tablespoons, tablespoons to teaspoons, and much more, we’ve got the converter tool for your needs.