Cubic Feet and Cubic Meters Converter


When looking to convert between different units of volume, our Cubic Feet and Cubic Meters Converter is the perfect tool for the job. Whether you’re working on a construction project, shipping goods, or simply trying to understand a given space’s overall dimensions, converting between cubic feet and cubic meters can be vital. In this guide, we’ll explain the necessary formulas and provide a worked example calculation to help you understand the conversion process.

The Formulas

1 ~cubic ~meter ~(m^3) \\= 35.3147 ~cubic ~feet ~(ft^3)

To convert from cubic meters to cubic feet, you can use the following formula:

cubic ~feet ~(ft^3) \\= cubic ~meters ~(m^3) * 35.3147

Conversely, to convert from cubic feet to cubic meters, you can use this formula:

cubic ~meters ~(m^3) \\= cubic ~feet ~(ft^3) ~/~ 35.3147

It’s important to keep in mind that these conversions are not exact due to rounding. However, they are accurate enough for most practical purposes.

Worked Example Calculation

Let’s say you’re working on a construction project and need to determine how much concrete to order for a specified area. You know the area’s dimensions in feet and need to convert them to cubic meters to ensure you order the correct volume of concrete. In this example, we’ll use the following dimensions:

Length15 ft
Width10 ft
Height8 ft

Step 1: Calculate the volume in cubic feet

First, we need to determine the volume of the area in cubic feet. To do this, we can use the formula:

volume (ft^3) \\= length (ft) * width (ft) * height (ft)

Plugging the dimensions into the formula, we get:

volume (ft^3) = 15 ~ft * 10 ~ft * 8 ~ft
volume (ft^3) = 1200 ft^3

Step 2: Convert the volume to cubic meters

Now that we have the volume in cubic feet, we can use the conversion formula to find the volume in cubic meters:

cubic ~meters (m^3) \\= cubic ~feet (ft^3) / 35.3147

Plugging in the volume we calculated in Step 1, we get:

cubic ~meters (m^3) \\= 1200 ft^3 / 35.3147
cubic ~meters (m^3) ≈ 34 m^3

So, the volume of the area in cubic meters is approximately 34 m³.

Using the Cubic Feet and Cubic Meters Converter

If you prefer to use our online calculator to perform these conversions, simply enter the value you want to convert in the appropriate box (cubic feet or cubic meters) and click the “Convert” button. The converter will then display the result in the other unit.


Understanding how to convert between cubic feet and cubic meters is essential for many applications, including construction, shipping, and general volume calculations. By using the formulas provided in this guide and our Cubic Feet and Cubic Meters Converter, you can easily and accurately make these conversions.

Remember, when converting between cubic feet and cubic meters, use the following formulas:

cubic ~feet ~(ft^3) \\= cubic ~meters ~(m^3) * 35.3147
cubic ~meters ~(m^3) \\= cubic ~feet ~(ft^3) ~/~ 35.3147

With these formulas and our converter tool, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any volume conversion task that comes your way.